1. I LOVE to pick things (and from reading some other people's lists, I guess I'm not the only one!)!!! Zits, splinters, skin, anything. My husband hates this crazy, disgusting fetish, but I've had it all my life. He said it's probably because women are picky and like to seek out imperfections. :) Ouch! I remember when I was little running around outside barefoot almost hoping to come back in with splinters that I could pick out. Oooo! I'm getting giddy just thinking about splinters!
2. I am a grammar fanatic! I have always had a thing for grammar. Over the years I've become a little more silent about this passion. I just think about correcting the poor grammar I hear at work and don't really vocalize said corrections. Although mispronounciation of words really kills me. My thought is that if you can't say "specific", use another word. "For example" could work nicely. I don't judge people about it; it's just more of a pet peave for me....nails on a chalkboard.
3. I have one leg that's longer than the other. When I was younger, my mom used to get upset when I'd be walking and suddenly run into her. She thought I was just a 'lazy walker'. If you listen carefully, you can even hear it in my footsteps.
4. When I was younger, I could get whatever I wanted if I just waited to ask my mom after a certain time at night. The magic time was generally between 8:30-9:00 when she'd just be tired and not really pay attention to what I was asking. I feel guilty for that one now.

6. I wanted to be an actress. I was pretty good in high school, too. My best friend and I had a plan to move to California, become the next big stars in a movie together, and go on Letterman. Of course, I think we dreamed this up while watching movies and eating Ben & Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk one night. In retrospect, Ben & Jerry probably weren't helping us on our way to stardom.
7. Which brings me to my next one..... I LOVE ice cream! I could eat it as a meal. Anything chocolate would be my favorite; however, it can't have anything hard in. Big huge pieces of chocolate, like in the aforementioned New York Super Fudge Chunk, don't quite work for me. That's probably why my favorite would have to be "Half Baked" by B&J. YUM! In fact my first job was at an ice cream shop. Hey, they say to do what you like, right? I was definitely working in my field of interest!

8. Now this is one that not many of you will know. I'm becoming a Zumba instructor! I LOVE it! It's a funky, hip-hop, Latin, aerobic class, and it's awesome! I'll be certified in June, and I will be teaching soon after. I love it!

Now it's time to hear back from you. I don't think I can "tag" people back, but I would like to hear your 8 if anyone gets the chance. Some people I'd like to hear from?
Anyone else who would like to share!