Lately I have been so busy at work, too. We had customers in all week long, so I spent a lot of time preparing for them and trying to catch up on urgent email when I wasn't doing something with them. I'm so glad it's the weekend!
Anyway, I thought I'd post a couple of pictures since we finally got a new camera!!!
Mara loves a good piggy back ride. This was Christmas Day. It's ridiculous to see the disaster that was my house!

Mara enjoying Daddy's back!
Christmas was a good time to get together with family. This is Mara with Josh's brother, Danny, and sister, Rachel.
This was Mara's birthday cake that we had at our friends' house on New Years Eve. She was excited to see more Dora, as she had received a Dora kitchen set for Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa Brunk.
This was the whole layout. Each setting had its own maracas, too. Too cute!
She especially loved singing Happy Birthday to herself. In fact, on Christmas night, she fell asleep in my arms singing, "Happy Birthday dear Mara."
Amanda and Jamison have a little Beagle named Porthos. For Mara's birthday, they gave her a stuffed beagle-like puppy. When she opened it, she yelled, "Porthos!" and put him on the ground, pushed his behind and said, "Run! Run!" It was cute that she thought he was real! Here is Mara with both fake and real Porthos.
The Kuroiwas either right before or right after midnight. Happy New Year!
This is Mara the other day. She was so tired, she fell asleep standing up against the ottoman.
My sweet little girl.
One last one of Mara snuggling her Porthos.
I'm glad to see you had a great Christmas and Mara's birthday went well.
You had one busy Christmas! I'm glad to see your back to blogging! See you on Saturday!
Cute picture of Mara! Hopefully life is starting to slow down for ya. Holidays are so much fun, but yet so busy and stressful. Glad ya made all your trips safetly though!
I'm adding you to my blogging friends.. Hope you're still doing good!!!
I love the new blog look! Hey, thanks again for the fun class on Saturday! I just noticed that it was your birthday on Saturday also! So, here is a belated Happy Birthday! I hope you guys are all feeling better and I hope you are coming to the activity on Saturday starts at 6:30 @the church! See ya later!
Glad you are back!
The holidays are nice, but it's nice when they are over, too.
I loved your pictures! Mara is such a beautiful little girl. I have a few pictures of my kids falling asleep standing up, or in the high chair, or somewhere other than thier beds. SO cute.
Happy belated Birthday!
Mara is beautiful! Congratulations on surviving the first two years of parenthood! Isn't it fun? It has got to be the best job I've ever had. It's great to see you have a blog. It's a lot of fun seeing what everyone is up to. Take care!
Wow! I can't believe how fast she is growing! And is that really Amanda! Next time you talk to her, tell her ol' Mrs. Scott says hello.
Just found your blog linked to Amanda and Jamison's and thought I'd say hey! What a beautiful family you have - Mara is darling! Since staying in touch has proven so difficult, I am glad we can be blogging buddies!
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